The prices of the Mahindra Thar Roxx have been hiked with immediate effect, ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 60,000, depending on the variant. Last month, the company announced that it would increase the prices of its SUVs due to rising input costs. Deliveries of the Roxx are currently underway in full swing. Thar Roxx petrol top model's price has increased by Rs 50,000 The price of its diesel top model is up by Rs 60,000 Deliveries of the Thar Roxx 4X4 with Mocha interior will begin soon Mahindra Thar Roxx prices as of January 2025 For the Mahindra Thar Roxx petrol, prices for all variants, except the top-spec AX7L, remain unchanged. The line-up starts at Rs 12.99 lakh for the entry-level MX1 MT variant. The petrol automatic range starts at Rs 14.99 lakh, while the top-spec automatic variant, the AX7L AT, now costs Rs 20.49 lakh – an increase of Rs 50,000 from last year. This variant sees a price hike of 2.5 percent. Mahindra Thar Roxx petro...